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  • Writer's pictureNic Chaffee

Danny Boy, performed by Six Trumpets

On April 14, 2015, we tragically lost a bright young man, Aaron Yanigasawa. He was a talented up-and-coming middle school trumpet player, and had taken lessons with me for several years. So, for his memorial service on the beach, Willie Murillo volunteered to create a 6-trumpet arrangement of "Danny Boy," and we recruited four other professional trumpet players to perform it with us.

It's now 2019, and Aaron would have graduated from Los Alamitos High School this year. So, several of his classmates and I decided to record this tribute in his honor. With the exception of myself, all the trumpet players in this video were students at Los Alamitos High School - in either 11th or 12th grade - and would have been classmates of Aaron.

Please enjoy this video, and love on your kids every day as much as you can. We love you and we miss you, Aaron!

Trumpets: Nic Chaffee, Carson Denyer, Lance Kaiser, Andrew McIntosh, Jack Ryan, Annette Wissuchek

Arrangement by Willie Murillo

In loving memory of Aaron Yanigasawa

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